Knowing that I was interviewing an non-portugese speaker, and knowing also that this could be something that might be searched for, I've decided, exceptionaly, to put here the english versoin of this interview, so that he and others can see what was said here.
So... all I can say is this was an interview that I wanted to do it for quite a while. But first, I have to say this: before I’ve seen his very first video, back in 2007, I didn’t had a good opinion about the motorsport videos made by fans, because they were too "amateurish" in my opinion. But then, when I was watching a blog from a friend of mine, Blog do Ico, applauding a video that he had watched before, I decided to take a look and I was marvelled. One of the things that called my attention is that the autor of such video was only sixteen years old.
Millions of people around the world have seen his videos, more than once. His popularity was such that called the attention of FOM that ordered Youtube to remove his account… twice. And of course, he was banned to put his videos there, but at the time, he had enough supporters so they could post his videos on his accounts.
During the history of this blog, I’ve defended not only him but I’ve put his videos here. I’ve always enjoyed the way how the edits, his soundtrack choice. The idea was probably to cause emotion and trying to capture the essence of motorsport and to express why we petrolheads, enjoy this sport. In a way, his videos made good things to our soul.
On the day of his 20th birthday, Continental Circus has the pleasure to publish its interview to Antti Kalhola.

1 – Hello Antti, it’s good to have you here, on this modest blog, answering my questions. Can you tell me, when and how did you start to make your motorsport videos?
Hello, it's my pleasure completely. This blog has supported me through the years and I'm more than happy to give an interview here. I started to make videos in the spring of 2005 as a 14-year old. It all happened quite accidentally, I found Windows Movie Maker program from my computer and decided to test what it could do. I got hooked quickly and although the first videos were very poor and simple, that's how it began.
2 – From all the videos that you already made, do you have anyone that you have proud of, your personal favourite?
Well, there are many that I'm happy about and give me good memories, so it's quite difficult. But if I had to name one, I guess it would be the 45-minute Ayrton Senna tribute one year ago. It's my biggest project so far and it felt good to finish it.
3 – When you make these videos, in what way yon can be different from other videomakers?
I don't know...I just do my thing, I don't think about the others so much. But maybe it's the passion and dedication I put in the videos that shows in the end. When I make a video it basically becomes the most important thing of my life for that time period, and I'm not sure if many other amateur editors than me have this kind of thinking or mindset. And maybe it's good that not many people have that kind of mindset, it's only a hobby after all. :D

4 – Let’s talk about Formula 1. Still remember your very first race that you watch it?
Can't say what was the first one with 100 % certainty. One of the first F1 memories when I think now, was the bad accident of Mika Häkkinen in Adelaide 1995 when I was four-years old. But the first race I remember well watching...1997 Monaco is the earliest I can say for sure, and then some other races from that season. 1997 Jerez I already remember very well. Although Häkkinen's first win isn't the most important thing about that race maybe, I remember when I told my mom when she came home that Mika had finally won his first race, she didn't believe me and I started to cry. :D
5 – And do you have any personal favourite?
Many good races, difficult question again. Of the ones I have watched live, maybe 2008 Interlagos. Of the one's I have watched afterwards, I have a soft spot for 1989 Suzuka for some reason. It's maybe not so spectacular in itself, but watching Senna and Prost fight for every second and for the championship and then the eventual collision is just somewhat poetic, it seems there's only two drivers in the race. But it's a shame the race was decided by stewards afterwards.
6 – Rosberg, Hakkinen and Raikonnen. Which one of your finn champions do you like the most?
I have to say Keke after having watched many of his races afterwards. Simply the most spectacular of F1 Finns with big balls.
7 – And what about the rallymen? You have plenty to choose, Vatanen, Kankunnen, Mikkola, Makkinen…
Ari Vatanen, his life is worth a movie definitely, all the ups and downs and his philosophical attitude. But I like Kankkunen as well, so smooth driving style, one of the greatest ever in rallying. Also I like Toivonen as he had style as well on and off the stages. And of course Markku “Maximum Attack” Alén with his burning eyes and killer look...there are many.
8 – Did you ever go and watch live any special stage of your Rally of Finland?
Yes, many times. Not every year unfortunately but still most of the time. First time was when I was 3-year old in 1994 and they had a short town stage in the town I live. Those are also my first motorsport memories probably, I still remember the sound and some small visual flashes of it. I remember the big banging the Toyota Celicas especially had that year. Didier Auriol with the Celica was the first car and it was like someone had started to shoot with a cannon when he started to the stage...and we were in the finish area with my parents, not in the start :D. It wasn't Group B but that was a great era for rallying as well.

9 – Let’s talk about today’s motorsport. What do you think about the 2011 Formula One drivers?
I think the driver quality is very good at the moment. Well, it's impossible to compare drivers from the past to today but for me the grid seems quite competitive. Maybe it's not a popular opinion, especially in Finland, but if I would have to say who is the best of the current drivers, I would say Alonso. But it's tight in the top and we have a luxury in F1 at the moment of having many absolute top drivers.
10 – Who do you think is your favourite for the championship?
If Red Bull is dominant again it's Vettel. If Red Bull is on the same line than other top teams, then Hamilton or Alonso.
11 – Do you think that the cancellation of the Bahrein GP was a good decision?
Yes, if the country is messed up I think it was the right decision. Also Bahrain is quite a boring circuit for me and I have no problem waiting extra couple of weeks for Melbourne.
12 – What’s your opinion about the mess between Lotus Cars and Tony Fernandes about the naming rights for Team Lotus?
I haven't followed the issue closely enough, but it seems silly for me, all I can say really.
13 – As you know, the big absence of 2011 will be Robert Kubica. What was your reaction when you knew the accident and what do you think about the possibility that Formula 1 drivers can do other things, like rallying?
Well of course I was quite shocked when I first heard about it and I spent the day following news updates on his condition, good to know he's getting better now. I think this obviously could have an effect on team's restricting driver's free time activities even more. But I personally like when F1 drivers do rallying for example, I have no problem with it, but I'm not an F1 team manager. :D
14 – Do you think Nick Heidfeld is a good substitute for Kubica?
Yes, I think he is a worthy substitute. I think he's a bit underrated driver and could do an ok job.

15 – The 2011 WRC season has already start, in Sweden, and as you know it’s all new: new cars and a new brand, Mini. What expectations do you have for this season?
Sweden was great, one of the best WRC rallies for me in a long time. And the cars looked quite spectacular in the stages as well so all looks promising so far. I think it won't be quite as exciting as this in the next rallies but still it promises to be a good season and maybe the start of new “rise” of WRC.
16 – Do you think that finally someone can beat Sebastien Löeb? One of the “flying finns”, for example?
Yes that day is getting more and more likely as he's getting older. But I think the most likely man still to take the crown from him is Sebastien Ogier if it's going to happen before Loeb's retirement. But Loeb's still my favourite for the title this year as well.
17 – What’s your impression of Kimi Raikonnen, now on it’s new life as a rallyman?
Well, I'm not a fan of him but nice to see him doing rallying, he hasn't shown much improvement though but we have to wait still. As Kimi would say about things himself, I'm not very interested what Kimi does to be honest. :D
18 – “Racing is life, anything that happens before or after is just waiting”. Steve McQueen told that on it’s movie ‘Le Mans’, do you agree of it’s meaning? Do you feel it when you watch any race as a spectator?
Maybe more in the past than now, but yes a bit in a way still. But I spend so much time going through historical footage as well so I don't know if it really applies to me. I guess nowadays I'm starting to understand that there are more things in life than just motorsport. :D
19 – By the way, do you have any previous motorsport experience, like karting? Is so, did you understand the reason why they grab a car and race around a circuit on make a special stage?
No, I haven't driven karting competitively although I have driven a kart. I have a lot of simracing experience on the computer and maybe it gives a very small idea about the feeling. I feel that I understand the sport in some way and the drivers...

20 – Did you have any period of motorsport history that you would like to had watch it?
If I'd have to say one period I would probably say the 80's. Group B era in rallying and turbo's in F1. I would have especially liked to witness the Group B live on the stages.
21 – Do you watch Top Gear? If so, what’s your impression of the program?
No I don't follow it. I have seen a few episodes here and there, but I can't really comment. Maybe not my kind of program really as I haven't been hooked...
22 – One penultimate question: you never thought of making a written blog, for example?
No, not really. I don't think it would really suit me. In my heart I'm a quiet and introverted person and I don't really get enjoyment out of talking about myself or commenting motorsport things for others to read.
23 – And finally: what’s your plans for the near future?
I have received some video making related offers and I need to discuss them in the next days I think, and see if anything comes out from them. But it's still to be seen if making videos for money is my thing. Then finalize my film study applications probably. I would also like to have time to continue with my own works about motorsport. The beginning of the year has been quite hard for me personally and my future is still a bit unclear but I hope things get more clear as time goes by.
Thanks for all the support again Paulo and everyone else reading this blog! :)